Objective notesbjective assessment

Objective notes

  • cough
  • dizzinessnocturnal pain/ drop attacks/
  • coughspeaking/ swallowing problem

  • dizziness
  • coughcancer/ inflammatory arthritis
  • dizziness
  • cough
    weight loss/ fevers
  • dizziness
    less than 20/ more than 55
  • cough
    double vision
  • cough
    severe pain
  • cough
    spinal cord compression
  • cough
    significant vertebral tenderness
  • cough
    neck trauma/ surgery
  • cough
    preceding trauma or neck surgery
  • bowel
    bladder/bowel incontinence
  • wobbly
    loss of feeling in both legs

Please seek medical help if any of the above apply or else confirm that you have checked that none do.


Has there been a fall/ RTA/ trauma?


Can the patient walk or bear weight without pain?


Is there obvious deformity with the injured leg being shortened?


Is the patient able to move their injured leg in any direction without pain?


Is there swelling and/or bruising around the hip and groin and is it painful to touch?


Is the injured leg externally rotated?


Is the injured leg externally rotated?


Is the pain and stiffness worse in the morning and the patient over 50yrs old?


Do they have reduced passive range in flexion and rotation on the painful hip?


Is combined hip flexion, abduction and external rotation painful, or is a Thomas test positive?


Is there a catching pain in the groin, when walking or running?


Is there weakness or pain on resisted hip flexion or external rotation?


Is hip flexion, adduction or internal rotation painful when combined?


Is there pain when lying on their painful hip?


Stand on bad leg for 30 seconds, is this painful?


Is it painful to palpate locally with resisted hip abduction and external rotation?


Is there pain into the groin with resisted hip adduction and passive hip abduction?